Many say that they enjoy meeting new people and that it is an exciting and inspiring adventure. But for most of us, it is a scary but necessary thing.
But even those who are lucky enough to be in that first group of people, and enjoy that, it is important for all of us to make a good first impression.
But how to do it? Maybe with the help of a few tips and tricks.

Foto: Julia Larsson
Be a superhero
Could you strike a superhero pose? It is good to warm up before entering a room full of new unknown people. Trick your brain with a simple trick and you'll feel more confident, more confident, and conversation with new people will flow more smoothly and easily. What does that pose look like? Before starting to meet new people, while you are in the toilet or in the corridor, raise your hands in the air, take a deep breath, stand apart, and place your hands on your hips for twenty to thirty seconds. Enjoy that moment and feel how positive energy fills you.
Stand in an open pose in the common area. The position of our body says much more than whether we think or feel. If you cross your arms, slouch your shoulders, and look at the floor or ceiling lights, those looking at you will think you're not interested in the conversation. If your shoulders are raised, your arms open and you look around the room, you will appear friendly and benevolent.
Connect with people
Touch people when it is decent to do so. Although it is a big challenge in these times of epidemic, a handshake with extra hand-holding, a pat on the shoulder, or a friendly touch on the upper arm of an acquaintance is welcome. But be careful. Many touches are unwelcome, especially in communication between people of different sexes. They can have a significantly more negative than positive force.
Stand straight. There are many reasons why it is good to stand up straight. Apart from health reasons and the fact that you will get less tired, you will look more confident in yourself, and this will be useful for you at the beginning of the conversation. It is also an open position that invites others to communicate. And of course, such a pose helps you to breathe properly, with full lungs in which there will be enough oxygen to fill you up, and at the same time enough air will give your words additional weight and strength.
Talk with eyes and hands
Make eye contact. There are many psychological reasons that make it possible to strengthen bonds between people who look into each other's eyes. They provide a lot of non-verbal information about your interlocutor that many people are not aware of. Making eye contact allows people to trust others more. Those who avoid eye contact appear to many as if they are hiding something or being disingenuous in what they are saying. Eye contact also shows that you are interested in what your interlocutor is saying and that you want to participate in the conversation. Make eye contact as soon as possible and maintain it whenever possible and as long as it is polite.
Gesticulate. Occasional hand and palm movements can reinforce your words and make them more acceptable and persuasive. If you want to emphasize something, reinforce those words with a hand movement. If you want to get an answer, reinforce the question with your palms facing up and toward him, which will invite him to answer. The only danger with gestures is not the type of movements you use, but their frequency. Too much movement will drive people away. So let it be in moderation.
Keep calm. At the same time, I do not think that you should stand as if buried in one place. People will think you're a robot. But don't tap the floor nervously, play with a pencil in your hands. Playing with your phone or constantly looking around is just as irritating. You will look nervous, and unconvincing. Control yourself and watch what you do with your body.
Practice makes perfect
These tricks will not prevent boring conversations or rude interlocutors. But it can help you start the conversation with everyone optimistically and openly. If they are a problem for you, practice them with friends or family. And practicing in front of a mirror or in front of your phone's camera, although it seems strange, is not a bad option. You can immediately see yourself through other people's eyes and evaluate yourself a little more objectively.
Try some of these tricks before and during your next networking meeting. At first, it may seem forced, but with more practice, the body will get used to it, the muscles will remember it and this form of behavior will become natural. You'll be able to meet anyone, anywhere, and positive non-verbal communication will turn on by itself.