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principal consultant

After twenty years of work in journalism, on radio, television, and in the press, where he told good business stories and ten years of work on personal training for public appearances in politics and management, Krešimir prepares strategies for the development of public and media appearances, as well as personal branding on all platforms. What he likes most is making simple things out of complicated things and teaching people to tell stories. He is an expert in communication consulting, and skilled in finding and telling the best way - one that will entertain and engage the listener of the story. And most importantly - to leave that story in his memory.


senior consultant for branding and marketing

She obtained her PhD at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the field of marketing communications (specialization in city branding). She has more than 12 years of experience in marketing and communication management in high positions, including the function of spokesperson for Zagreb Holding, She holds position of the Vice-Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Lecturer in marketing at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation.

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senior consultant for corporate communication

With rich experience in corporate communications, strategic planning, crisis management, and change management, as well as corporate governance, Manuela gathered more than 20 years of experience in the largest Croatian and multinational companies. Therefore, she knows how to find the optimal solution not only for your communication strategy but also for a valuable contribution to the improvement of business processes. She strives to build on her practical experience through both theory and science. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, has a Master's degree in Economic Sciences, an MBA, and is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka. He is an incorrigible optimist and enjoys projects where we inspire each other to change and grow, help transform corporate cultures, and day by day, step by step, make this world a better place.

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consultant for communication on social networks and influencer marketing

Five years in influencer marketing and communications is a lot in this brand-new industry. As she says, she does everything upside down and differently, but in this way, she achieves the desired results through her goals and possibilities. An influencer herself with a large number of followers on all social networks, Maja knows how to communicate with the audience, and target groups, and how to send a message through the right communication channels, without firing a shot.
She brings formal knowledge from the Faculty of Informatics and Organization, the PPC Academy, and the London School of Public Relations, and informally she learned what the audience likes, what they want, and what they find interesting and what they don't.
She helps clients to avoid mistakes, does not waste time on tests, trials, and failures, and is happy to share his experience and knowledge.

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Ivana grew up in an environment where creativity was not contested or contested, but creativity was developed and encouraged. What was a lot in her life is now her work. After attending a series of education in the field of game development, creativity stimulation, interactive theater methods and the development of active participation, she immediately received a series of invitations to engage in various social segments.
Her path to professional development in our country is called informal education, and she likes to say "studying my way" because she chose the fields and top educators herself, and she plans to continue doing so because she believes that development is constant.
Her trainings are ordered by teams in schools, kindergartens, colleges, companies, associations, institutions, as well as all those who want to process situations and topics in a new way.

communication consultant and trainer


Ana is an entrepreneur and certified trainer with more than 15 years of experience in communication, promotion, and business and personal development. He is an expert in the field of strategic communication, marketing, and PR.

She bases his work in the field of personal development on recent neuroscientific knowledge and practical techniques from the sphere of mental functioning, communication, and building quality business and intimate relationships. Her passion is, among other things, psychology and the sphere of neuro communication.

She cooperated with companies from different economic verticals and representatives of the political and public scene. She trained musicians, artists, and experts in the field of personal and business development, from coaches to yoga instructors. 

She completed the four-year coaching program of the In Optimum Academy and has a master's degree in economics with a completed Executive MBA program.

She is an expert in the development of personal and system potentials and the author of her own programs with more than 2,000 hours of active training.


consultant for strategic communication

After 12 years of journalism, Krunoslav changed sides and now works as a communication, and eventually as a strategic consultant. With a formal education in social sciences, theology, natural sciences, and mathematics, and with experience working in electronic media, he was an expert associate, advisor, and manager in campaigns for local, parliamentary, presidential, and intra-party elections in Croatia. Before moving into the world of PR, he translated books and gave business advice, and he is the co-author of the e-book "Political Communication on the Internet". He is the owner of Stratego PR Consulting and was the spokesman for the Ministry of Labor and the Pension System of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
He is a member of the association "Vjetrenjača", the Academy for Political Development, and chaired SEECOM (South East Europe Public Sector Communication Association), and participated in the work of the European Association of Political Consultants.


senior consultant for project management and PR

She has been in journalism, domestic and foreign media and public relations for more than 20 years, and she was educated and trained in this field in the USA and Great Britain.

Through many years of managing a non-governmental organization, she gained interesting experience in managing its finances, programs and projects.

European policies and the work of the EU institutions are of particular interest to her, and she has been following them since Croatia's accession to the EU, as a journalist, but also as a collaborator in European projects. As a civil servant, she was actively involved in the activities and processes of organizing international conferences and events during the Croatian presidency of the EU Council in 2020.

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